Monday, May 27, 2013

Beautiful Blue Heron on the Hunt

We see a lone blue heron by the pond only a few times a year, so these rare visitors stir up a lot of chaos...errr...excitement in our house!

Here’s the scene:
Downstairs - Michael is in his office/studio frantically setting up his camera. Lens caps are flying everywhere as he switches out his lens. He gingerly approaches his window and gets into shooting position.

Upstairs - I’m trying to contain three very curious dogs and keep them from barking out the windows.

Guess who has the more difficult task?!

The blue heron is a funny character. He stands very still and statuesque for several minutes…

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Just landed!
Until he spots a snack in the pond. Then, his lanky legs stealthily tip-toe to the shore…

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Sneaking up on dinner!
He stretches out his long neck and uses his bill as a spear to pluck the fish out of the water. Then, he flies away to the next watering hole!

Once I heard Michael roar a robust "argh!" I knew something must've spooked this blue heron away. So, the bird didn't get his fish. Michael didn't get his shot. But, I could finally let the dogs go back to defending their turf! 

Whew! That was a crazy, intense 4-1/2 minutes!