Sunday, May 5, 2013

Learning the Complexity of Color

As an artist, Michael has experience with pencil drawing (I’ll post some of his amazing drawings in future posts), but he has very little experience with colored pencil drawing. That brings on a whole new level of colorful complexity! From selecting specific shades…to learning layering techniques…to picking out the perfect paper…there is a lot for an artist to consider.

But, not to worry. Michael, who loves to read and research, recently purchased some new drawing books!

Mikey's new drawing books!

Michael has been reading these books front to back, day and night. Countless pages are flagged with sticky notes and scribbled with important tips. Michael has been absorbing as much information as he possibly can about technique and subject matter. (By the way, Michael did take several art classes in college….and is now kicking himself for not paying more attention in Color Class 321!)

Well, with several hours of studying under his belt, I think Mikey is ready to put his colored pencils to the test…