Monday, May 6, 2013

Mikey…the Landscaper (It's a Muddy Job!)

As a true renaissance man, Mikey has a lot of interests, and landscaping is one of them. When we moved into this house 5 years ago, Mikey had a specific vision of how he wanted the landscaping to look around the house and the pond. He consulted his collection of “landscaping” and “gardening” how-to books, drew out the detailed plans, and executed those plans beautifully.

Last weekend was our first nice weekend this Spring to get outside and do some yard clean up. (With so many trees, plants, and flower beds, there is a lot to clean up!) Mikey worked really hard all day…and stayed impressively, perhaps peculiarly, clean. Good job, Mikey!

Then, he poked his head inside and said he had “just one more thing to do” and would be in shortly. Well, about an hour later, he walks in covered with mud…literally from the top of his head to the tips of his toes! Oh Mikey...what happened?!
Mikey somewhat sheepishly explaining the traumatic incident...
and I'm trying to keep a straight face while marveling at all the mud! 
Oh, yes...Mikey even got mud in his cup!

Here's what happened...Mikey took the 4-wheeler for a trip through the woods and successfully crossed over the creek.

Then, he got stuck…in thick, heavy mud! Wheels were spinning and mud was flying. Fortunately for Mikey, he had some rope, tools, and a strong tree to create a winch and hoist the 4-wheeler out of the mud! After almost an hour of combat, Mikey won the battle with the mud. Whew!

Note to self: It’s time to stock up on stain remover for the summer!