Sunday, May 5, 2013

Passionate about Porsches

A successful artist is always passionate about his subject. Well, Michael is fascinated with a lot of things. (Have you seen his massive book collection?!) Everything from animals (underwater, on land, and in the air) to airplanes to anything with wheels!

Speaking of “anything with wheels,” Michael has been dreaming about Porsches lately, so what a perfect subject to practice his newly learned colored pencil techniques on! (And drawing a Porsche is much more economical than buying a Porsche!)

Mikey's first colored-pencil drawing in over 20 years!
Ta-da! You wouldn’t believe how many different layers and shades of color create that vibrant shade of blue. He used 5 or 6 shades of blue, violet, red, white, black…just about every color of the rainbow!
I think Michael's new drawing books was money well spent. If this first colored pencil drawing is an indicator of things to come…Mikey is going to produce some amazing art!