Sunday, May 19, 2013

Portrait of a Red-Tailed Hawk - Part 1 of 2

With a couple of colored-pencil drawings in the bag, Michael is feeling good…he’s gettin’ his artistic groove back!

Next up on the artist’s agenda: a detailed portrait of a red-tailed hawk. Let the research begin!

A stickler for artistic accuracy, Michael scoured the internet for pictures of these handsome hawks. And, yes, there are a gazillion red-tailed hawk images out there….but to find a non-Photoshopped image is like finding a needle in a haystack...or winning the $590 million Powerball!

Michael started this drawing in April (which was before I started this blog), but here's what I would've been posting along this portrait's journey. Take a look:

The outline is in place!
Michael started with the feathers in the lower right corner of the picture...but he just wasn't feeling the feathers yet. The "feeling good" artist quickly became a "frustrated" artist. I suggested he move on to another part of the head. The was a beckoning! 
A little more detail added to the beak and head.
Below is an artist happy with his progress so far! Taped to his drawing board is his photo inspiration (non-Photoshopped!), practice sketches of the feathers and other features, and little yellow sticky notes (for example, "don't get too dark, too fast!")
A happy artist!

The eye of any hawk is such a striking feature. I was super excited to see this hawk's eye come to life...
EYE love it!

The feathers are falling into place beautifully...

A closer look...
At his art desk, adding the final touches...

 The focused artist at his art table.
Check back soon to see the final drawing of this amazing portrait! 
Tip from an artist's wife who blogs about her hubby's work: Some artists aren't super excited to get their non-finished art photographed...or posted online for the world to see. But, if you flash a nice big smile and say "pleeeease" in your sweetest voice, you just might get the shot!