Sunday, May 19, 2013

Portrait of a Red-Tailed Hawk - Part 2 of 2

Portrait of a Red-Tailed Hawk - Finished!

I am so excited to share with you Michael’s finished red-tailed hawk portrait!
He put his heart and soul into this project. Tears of joy filled my eyes as he showed me the completed drawing. (I think there may have been a tear in his eye, too!)

Actually, he had many mixed emotions: relieved to be done…happy with his accomplishment…sad to “sign off”...and motivated to move on to the next drawing.

As a small child, Michael was always told he had a special gift. He took several art classes during college and dabbled with drawing throughout the years, but never had the opportunity to focus on it as he does now. I am so proud of him for stepping out of his CEO comfort zone (for now) and pursuing these lifelong dreams!
As for his next drawing...? Since he's into red-tailed hawks at the moment, I suggested he continue his momentum and draw a few more to develop a series or set. And since I'm his "art consultant and business partner" he happily agreed with me. So, Michael will be working on 2-3 more to finish out the Red-Tailed Hawk Series!