Sunday, May 5, 2013

Welcome to Our Blog!

Michael (the artist) and Marti (the wife)
Welcome to Michael and Marti’s blog “Life as an Artist’s Wife!”  

After building and selling two successful businesses, Michael is starting an exciting new chapter and pursuing his many artistic talents.

Michael is an award-winning artist, photographer, musician, and entrepreneur. The purpose of this blog is to “illustrate” the colorful chaos of being married to this modern day renaissance man!

As for me….I’m artistically challenged. But, with every drawing Michael creates and every photograph he snaps, there are stories to tell. As Michael’s #1 fan, I want to capture those stories and share them with you.

Michael and I live on 8-1/2 wooded acres in beautiful Wisconsin. We have both worked out of our home together for many years. We are best friends and soul mates. We love to laugh, watch movies, and spoil our three long-haired dachshunds Abbie, Bailey, and Gracie.
Most of all, we love God who has not only blessed Michael with these amazing artistic talents, but has blessed our lives immensely. Our hope is that the beautiful creations you’ll see in this blog will bless your life in some special way. Enjoy!