Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bring on the Blue Jays - Part 1

Yesterday’s blog post featured Michael’s creative “tree” invention – a bird feeder designed for him to take natural-looking photos right from his office desk!

Over the past couple of days Michael has taken several stunning pictures of the blue jays testing out the new tree...and I have the difficult task of paring down those pictures for the blog. (I just love them all!)

To make it a little easier on my indecisive self, I’ll do a series of posts showcasing the best of these blue jay beauties!

You'll notice that even though all these photos were taken from Michael's handmade "tree," all the scenes look different...and so natural! I think his tree invention was a success! 

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
This one is Michael's all-time favorite blue jay photo. What's not to love?

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
I love the blue jays expression...and the detail of the bright blue, black, and white feathers!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Sweet songbird sitting pretty.

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
This blue jay is enjoying a scrumptious sunflower seed.

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
This blue jay wants to enjoy the bird seed buffet all to himself....
so he told the other bird to buzz off! 

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The same angry bird scowling as his competition flies away.

There will be more blue jay photos posted over the next week or two, so stop back soon!