Monday, June 10, 2013

Just a Little Competitive Research

Yesterday morning we saw a news segment about an art fair 30 minutes away, and I thought it would be an excellent opportunity for us to check out the local art scene. Michael already had a long list of outside chores planned for the day, so I knew I had some serious arm twisting to do…but I finally talked him into it! (Woohoo!)

With my artist at a local art fair.
It was a fun outing at a beautiful park. We saw some great art and met a lot of talented artists. One thing about artists…they really love to talk about their craft! Fortunately, Michael can “speak their language,” so it was beneficial for him to connect with the artists and learn about their techniques. We also learned about the different ways they market their art (now they’re speaking my language!)

We walked away very inspired and excited about the possibilities for Michael as an artist! Oh, and we also found a couple of pretty pieces for our home!