Friday, June 21, 2013

It's National "Take Your Dog to Work Day"

Well, since Michael and I work from home…we celebrate this holiday every day! And we PAWsitively love our funny four-legged coworkers!
But just because we don’t work in a physical office with coworkers, doesn’t mean we don’t have to deal with “office drama.” Our office drama consists of:
  • Dogs barking at the UPS delivery person, or a bird, or a squirrel…or each other!
  • Dogs begging for lunch scraps…and then one by one dozing off for a long afternoon nap!
  • Dogs snoring during conference calls (my personal favorite!)

Here’s a typical work day at our house…
Abbie always goes to work with Michael. (She has always been a daddy’s girl.) She sits right under Michael’s chair. And, if daddy is in the studio…Abbie is in the studio. Abbie only comes to see me when her tummy starts to grumble!
We call Bailey “the floater.” She just can’t make up her mind…Sometimes she goes to work with daddy; sometimes she goes to work with me. 
Gracie…my little shadow. She “job shadows” me all day long. However, if she thinks something more exciting is going on in daddy’s office, she’s not afraid to sneak downstairs!
Once in a while, all three dogs end up on daddy’s chair! How’s he supposed to get any work done?! Good thing it’s only when he’s doing computer work and not audio voiceovers or art work!

Who's the boss? Michael with his three little helpers.
Lately, Bailey and Gracie both want to sit up on my chair, which leaves very little room for me. Hey, at least I can honestly say that my job keeps me on the edge of my seat!
Umm...where am I supposed to sit?

Michael and I just love to work from home and be around our sweet, silly dogs all day. Sure, they don’t make coffee…they don’t type…and they don’t file. But, if we’re having a stressful day, all we gotta do is get down on the floor, rub some bellies or throw a ball across the room…and everything is suddenly…better. 

It’s impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more puppies.