Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Mic is Hot

Here we find Michael working on a voice over project for a Fortune 500 company…

Michael in his home recording studio.
Michael enjoys corporate voice over work, but his dream voice over job would be narrating any of the current cable shows that feature:

  • Guys diggin’ for gold, or

  • Guys huntin’ for gators

He LOVES those manly man shows and can imitate the narrators perfectly! (They have very distinct voices!)

One of the benefits of working in the same house with your best friend is that you can just pop into his/her office any time you please to say “hi.” But, when the husband is recording and the wife is one who bops around the house whistling…well, you get the idea!

So, I gifted Michael with this handy dandy recording light!

When the light is bright...keep quiet!

This way he can just flip the switch to gently remind me that the “mic is hot!” The last thing any company wants to hear is me whistling (out of tune) throughout their recording!