Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Underwater Wednesday: Cowfish

Pucker up!
This sweet little fishy looks like it wants to give you a big SMOOCH!
I just adore the cowfish. They’re so pretty with their speckled body, big bold eyes…and those trademark pursed pink lips!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Cowfish photographed in Cozumel.
Photo Fun Facts:

  • The cowfish have a triangular, yet boxy body with feather-like fins. 

  • This cowfish was about 10 inches long. 

  • Michael took the picture above at a depth of about 60 feet during a night dive. 

  • Once in a great while, cowfish will let you pet their tummies if you approach them super slowly with your hand out…and if they’re in a good moooo-d!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Michael "petting" a cowfish!
If you missed last week’s anemone, click here.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Brilliant Baltimore Oriole

Do you remember that jelly jar tucked into a piece of driftwood I wrote about earlier this week? (If not, click here.)

Well, this was the sweet reward for Michael’s creative efforts – the beautiful, brilliant Baltimore Oriole!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Michael’s stunning photograph of the Baltimore Oriole. 
Amazingly, Michael got this photo (from his office window) within the first 15 minutes of setting out the jelly! Everything was in its perfect place at the perfect time to capture this fantastic photograph…the jar of jelly, the position of bird, the position of the camera…and Michael!

Michael has been itching to photograph the Baltimore Oriole all summer. The colorful contrast of the bright orange and black feathers makes this bird a favorite among nature photographers.

The Baltimore Oriole prefers to eat ripe fruit, insects, flowers….and, as we now know, grape jelly!

Great job, Mikey! I truly admire your passion for excellence in everything you do!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Underwater Wednesday: Anemone

I just love today’s Underwater Wednesday photo of an anemone, which is actually a soft coral. They are super soft to the touch, but don’t touch them…some types of anemone can actually sting you! (And, yeah, Mikey has a scar to prove it!)

Anemone photographed in Cozumel.

Photo Fun Facts:
  • The tentacles are about 12-14 inches long.
  • Spotted cleaner shrimp and clown fish live in anemone.
  • This photo has an interesting illusion...with the sunlight shining through the water, it looks like it was taken at a shallow depth. But, actually Michael took this photo at a depth of about 70 feet.

If you're not sure what a spotted cleaner shrimp looks like, click here.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bird Feeder Makeover

Being the perfectionist that he is, Michael thought it was time to give his tree invention/bird feeder a makeover. And by “makeover” I don’t mean switching around a few branches…

Michael piled up his 4-wheeler with all kinds of tools and accessories including drills, saws, bolts, and clamps. You name it, he had it pulled out of his workshop!

What is my little Renaissance Man up to now?!

With a big smile on his face, Michael and his packed 4-wheeler headed out back and said "I have a plan!" Of course he does! "Oh, and do we have any grape jelly?" he added. I said we did and set it out for him (as I just shook my head for the millionth time!)

Michael making some scenery changes to his tree invention/bird feeder.

Some time had passed and later I found Michael digging around in my precisely organized walk-in pantry. Gasp! You can imagine my dismay! This would be like me digging around his precisely organized workshop in the garage! We just don't do that!

“He must be really hungry?!” I thought to myself.

But, he wasn’t searching for a hidden bag of his favorite cookies…he was looking for a little container to hold that grape jelly.

"So what is this grape jelly for?!" I asked. "It's part of my plan!" he answered with excitement.

The 'lil stinker researched that grape jelly attracts a certain type of bird. A bird he has been wanting to photograph all summer...

Low and behold, he found the perfect little container!

Unfortunately, it was an unopened glass jar of diced pimentos. Now, I have no idea why I bought those pimentos...or when I bought them...but I'm sure I will need them for an amazing recipe some day soon! 

But, yeah….Michael ripped right through the plastic "safety seal" and poured those pimentos down the kitchen sink drain! Nooooo

So, Michael has his grape jelly and his perfect little glass what?

He found this cool piece of driftwood, carved out a pocket for the little glass jar, and filled it with the grape jelly. This piece of driftwood will sit on top of his bird feeder platform. "Uh-huh...this better be good," I thought.

The glass jar of grape jelly tucked inside a piece of driftwood.

So Michael's "plan" was all coming together. This plan included: 1) adding some more interchangeable branches, 2) planting a whole new tree next to the original “tree” to create some cool shadows and dapple effects, and 3) serving grape jelly to entice his sought-after bird.

Michael, proud of his new and improved bird feeder, is checking it out from his office…
Michael is happy with his bird feeder!

Okay, you're gonna have to wait until Friday to see the beauty that the grape jelly lured in!

To read about the bird feeder/tree invention, click here!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Underwater Wednesday: Parrot Fish

Oh, wow…it’s Underwater Wednesday already!

Between traveling to see family, catching up with things at home, and coping with the 90+ degree temperatures, I’m thinking this parrot fish has the right idea…Find a cool, quiet spot for a nap…zzzzz!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Parrot fish photographed in Cozumel.

Photo Fun Facts:
  • Michael took this photo during a night dive.

  • The picture of this parrot fish, snuggled in for the night, was taken just before he secreted a special mucous that covered his body. This mucous covering serves as a transparent cocoon, believed to mask its scent while it sleeps.   

  • The parrot fish changes its color pattern several times over its life span. Michael thinks this particular fish looks like a Dr. Seuss character with its vibrant color pattern and animated face!  

  • This parrot fish was about 2 feet long.

  • Michael took this picture at a depth of about 65 feet.

If you missed the post about the night dive where Michael took the picture of his Cover Model Crab, click here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Underwater Wednesday: Barracuda

Today’s Underwater Wednesday brings us the intimidating barracuda. The heart definitely beats a little faster when you see those sharp fangs and prominent under-bite approaching you!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Barracuda photographed in Cozumel.
Photo Fun Facts:
  • This barracuda was about 6 feet long.

  • Michael took this photograph at a depth of about 60 feet.

  • From our 6th floor balcony, we would frequently see the shiny silver barracuda swimming along the reef right outside our condo. Of course, Michael’s instinct was always to suit up, grab the camera, and jump in the water! Oh Mikey!
To see last week’s Underwater Wednesday, click here.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bring on the Blue Jays - Part 3

It's been a busy few weeks for Michael who has been working hard on landscaping projects and bird photography! His new bird feeder/tree invention has really brought in some beauties and I can't wait to share them with you soon! 

(Hint: One is orange...can you guess what kind of bird it is?!)

In the meantime, I have a few more of his blue bird photos...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
One of our favorites!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Hey, what's going on down there?

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
It's just me looking for some seeds in the mulch!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
What a sweet little tweet!

For Bring on the Blue Jays - Part 1, click here.

For Bring on the Blue Jays - Part 2, click here.

And, in case you're wondering what the heck a bird feeder/tree invention here.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Underwater Wednesday: Colorful Coral Reef

Cozumel has some of the most fascinating coral reefs in the world, which makes it a popular destination for diving enthusiasts. Today’s Underwater Wednesday photo showcases a beautiful reef with a variety of colorful coral formations…and, of course, that vibrant blue background!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Colorful coral reef in Cozumel.

Photo Fun Facts:
  • With so many interesting formations, it’s very tempting to want to touch them. But, in Cozumel it’s a big no-no to touch them with your bare hands. Because of the 3-5 mph current, Michael would need to stabilize himself to take photos. So, he would wear one glove on his left hand so he could gently place one finger on a sturdy coral (or preferably the sandy bottom) just long enough to take his picture. It looked a bit Michael Jackson-ish…but you gotta respect the reefs!

  • In 2005, the massive Hurricane Wilma created wide-spread damage to the island of Cozumel, including the reefs. Fortunately, the island is very resilient (both above and below water), and the reefs have been naturally restoring themselves over the years.

  • Michael took this photo at about 90 feet with a 15 mm wide angle lens on Fuji 50 film. (Yes, this was before the "digital" age!)
For another peak at last week's spotted cleaner shrimp, click here.
Have a Happy 4th of July!