Friday, July 26, 2013

Brilliant Baltimore Oriole

Do you remember that jelly jar tucked into a piece of driftwood I wrote about earlier this week? (If not, click here.)

Well, this was the sweet reward for Michael’s creative efforts – the beautiful, brilliant Baltimore Oriole!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Michael’s stunning photograph of the Baltimore Oriole. 
Amazingly, Michael got this photo (from his office window) within the first 15 minutes of setting out the jelly! Everything was in its perfect place at the perfect time to capture this fantastic photograph…the jar of jelly, the position of bird, the position of the camera…and Michael!

Michael has been itching to photograph the Baltimore Oriole all summer. The colorful contrast of the bright orange and black feathers makes this bird a favorite among nature photographers.

The Baltimore Oriole prefers to eat ripe fruit, insects, flowers….and, as we now know, grape jelly!

Great job, Mikey! I truly admire your passion for excellence in everything you do!