Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mikey the Lumberjack

A renaissance man’s job is never done.

Remember that bad storm we had last month? We had 7 trees fall down around the house, and several more trees fell down deeper in the woods. Michael has been nervous because a few big treetops fell in the creek. His fear was that if we would have another bad rainstorm, those treetops would create dams and the water would rise towards the house.

So, Michael had a plan. (He always has a plan!) Early last week he was busy doing what lumberjacks do…tuning up his chainsaw, reviewing safety procedures, and lining up some helpers to clear those trees from the creek.

Friday was the big day!

My words can’t possibly describe how hard Michael and his helpers worked. Michael gave me a tour of the progress so far and I snapped a few pics...

This part of the creek was completely blocked with fallen treetops.
(I’m not sure how the little beavers could swim through the branches!)

Michael and his crew had quite the assembly line going. They would saw the limbs, pull them out of the creek, cut them into smaller pieces, and stack them into neat piles.

This is just one of 25 piles!

Anyone need firewood? Some of these logs were so large that they had to use the winch on the 4-wheeler to pull them out of the creek.

I love this picture. The look on Mikey’s face says it all! Plus, it looks like he's looking up at God's light thinking "Are you serious? Another storm?" :)

Oh, and this is how Mikey came home after working so hard in the woods all day…
his pants were covered with stickers…ouch!

I think we need to toss these pants into one of the “burn" piles!

Mikey the lumberjack had a very productive day, but he is so sore and tired. I’m glad he’s taking my advice and is taking it easy this weekend. Thank you Mikey for all your hard work to keep our land and home safe!