Saturday, September 21, 2013

Safer Than a Chainsaw

For the past couple of days, my renaissance man has traded in his chainsaw for his microphone!

(Ahhh, I can breathe a big sigh of relief knowing he’s tucked safely in his studio…rather than romping through the woods with a BIG, dangerous power tool!)

Mikey has been busy working on another corporate voice over project for one of Fortune Magazine’s Top 100 Best Companies to Work for...

Mikey is focused intensely on his script….
So focused, he didn’t even hear me enter the studio! (Okay so he did hear me…and I think his reaction spooked me more than I spooked him!)

Well, I should let Mikey get back to his script. He wants to finish up so he can go play (err, work!) in the woods...with his chainsaw. (Oh, great!)

Mikey is still hoping to one day land his dream voice over job!