Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Great "Grape Jelly" Smack-Down

Summer is officially over. But, Mikey and I are still having fun sorting through his summer photos of our feathered friends. And, we’re still chuckling over "The Great Grape Jelly Smack-Down." Here's how it all went down...

On one tree limb, we have the Red-breasted Grosbeak, looking rather calm, cool, and collected….
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Red-breasted Grosbeak
On another tree limb, we have the Baltimore Oriole, looking much more alert, fierce, and determined...
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Baltimore Oriole
Both birds have one goal in get their beaks on that grape jelly Mikey tucked inside a piece of driftwood.

Grape jelly used to lure in birds.
So...Who do you think got to the grape jelly first?!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Baltimore Oriole and Red-breasted Grosbeak

And, the winner of "The Great Grape Jelly Smack-Down" is....

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Baltimore Oriole

That fierce determination definitely paid off! (Look closely and you can see the grape jelly in his beak!)

To see our favorite Baltimore Oriole photo, click here. For a little backstory on the grape jelly technique to lure in birds, click here.