Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Underwater Wednesday: Hawksbill Sea Turtle

One of our favorite sightings while diving was the beloved sea turtle. Whether swimming out in open waters or resting peacefully on a coral reef, it was always a thrill to stumble upon a sea turtle. (Hey, that’s me in the background!)

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Hawksbill sea turtle photographed in Cozumel.

Photo Fun Facts: 
  • You'll notice the hawksbill's head and jaw are particularly narrow. This allows the turtle to nudge its way into coral reef crevices to snatch up some food. 
  • Thousands of sea turtles nest each year on the beaches of Cozumel. Approximately 60 days later, the hatchlings emerge to the surface of the beach (usually at night) and scurry their way to the ocean. 
  • This sea turtle was about 2 feet in length.

  • Michael took this photo at a depth of about 50 feet.