Whew! That was a looooong winter!
Although the blog was in “hibernation” mode this past
winter, my Renaissance Man certainly was not. Mikey was super busy with a couple big business consulting
and voice over projects. He served as our family CESP (Chief Executive Snow Plower...we had a TON of snow!) He's also been advising a couple friends with some cool new product inventions. But, the most exciting project Mikey has been working
on is the movie script. (A few of you know about this one...it's been awhile in the making, but has been picking up some steam in recent months! Hopefully I can write more about this later...)
All these projects have been great, but they just didn’t
offer me many fabulous photo ops for the blog. (I’m guessing Mikey really
appreciated the break from the camera though!) And now that summer is "unofficially" here, it's time to get outside, snap some pictures, and update the blog! It's been a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend in NE Wisconsin and we've spent a lot of time outdoors planting new flowers,
pulling weeds, and really enjoying and appreciating our beautiful
Of course, I can't post a blog on Memorial Day without recognizing and thanking those who have served selflessly and courageously for our nation. Especially my Uncle John, who died for our country in Vietnam.
Thank you to all who have served, all who are serving, and all who will serve. |
Here are a few pictures of our Memorial Day
We have so many wild flowers growing in our woods right now.
My sweet Mikey picked me not one, but two bouquets of lilies!
They're a little difficult to see in this picture, but here are some of the beautiful white, yellow, and purple wildflowers adorning the woods! |
The woods are turning greener and greener every day!
It’s not summer 'til we turn on the waterfalls!
I am anxiously waiting for all the flowers to bloom around the pond! |
Weeds, weeds, and more weeds! But, we are getting them under
control thanks to Mikey’s handy-dandy weed killer system. He hooked up a big tank of
weed kill to his 4-wheeler, complete with a hose and wand. He can easily drive around the pond and flower beds and spray 'em away! Genius!
We've made plenty of time for some fun this weekend, too!
Here, Mikey dusted off his remote control boat and cruised around the pond...hopefully not disturbing the fishies too much!
We hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend...and remember to pause and honor those who have served our nation.
If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored all rejoice together with it.
-1 Corinthians 12:26