Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fantastic Fall Foliage - Part 2

Mikey and I are really treasuring each beautiful day of this fantastic Fall season! 

Every year we look forward to these wonderful weeks of colorful trees and cool temps. Because we all know what is lurking around the corner...bare trees and cold temps! :) 

Here are a few more pictures Mikey took right from our land...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
So many shades of gold, orange, red, and green!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
I never get tired of these colors!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Okay, so this shot was actually taken from our neighbor's land. Shhh, don't tell! 
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The driveway trees are turning!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
A colorful close-up!

Although our fantastic Fall days may be numbered, I have more pics to share...coming soon!

This is the day the Lord has made; 
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

-Psalm 118:24

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fantastic Fall Foliage - Part 1

One of the best things about living in NE Wisconsin is the beautiful Fall season. The air is crisp, the clothes are cozy, the food is comforting...and the foliage is fantastic!

Fortunately for Mikey the photographer, he doesn't have to trek far for a Fall foliage photo shoot.

We feel so blessed to have these brilliant hues right outside our window...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The sun shining through our tree-lined driveway. 
The leaves are just beginning to turn!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
A unique perspective of green and gold leaves. 
(Speaking of "green and gold"...Go Packers!)
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The great thing about Fall is everyday we get a different view. It seems like the leaves change right before our eyes!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The colors out back are really starting to pop now!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
.Fall is in full swing!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The bright blue sky makes a perfect canvas for the colorful leaves.

We have lots of trees with lots of leaves, so naturally there are more fantastic Fall photos to come! Check back soon for more!

Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Ephesians 5:20

Monday, July 21, 2014

Marvelous Mailbox Makeover

Summer is just buzzin' by! And while we've both been busy bees with work, that hasn't stopped Mikey from getting out to do a few summer projects.

We live outside of town and share a main drive with two neighbors (and from the main drive we each have our own private drive.) Our three little mailboxes sit at the end of our curvy main drive and look a little...well...sad

Mikey and our neighbor Gilly decided it was time to spruce up the mailboxes. It was time for a mailbox makeover! Take a look...

Here is the "Before" picture. Mismatched mailboxes are sooo last season!

This is no mini-makeover...This is a "marvelous" makeover, which means a couple of shovels isn't gonna cut it. This calls for Gilly's tractor! (Mikey loves any excuse to use his tractor!)

Gilly and Mikey digging holes for the posts and mixing cement. Hmmm....this is turning into a lot of work for matching mailboxes!

The posts are in and they aren't moving anywhere!

And these aren't just any boring ol' wood posts...Mikey and Gilly were sure to pick pieces with lots of character!

Mikey searched and searched online for the perfect cedar mailboxes. This is Wisconsin after all! They are now lined up neatly and secured in place.

Aren't they cute?! I mean...aren't they "cool and rustic." (After all their hard work, I don't think they would appreciate me calling them "cute!")

They finished off the mailboxes by building a planter and adding some nice rocks and plants...Here is Mikey watering the plants!

Good thing Mikey has his handy water tank hooked up to his 4-wheeler for easy watering!

Ta-Da! The "After" picture!

I think the mailbox makeover was a success! Thank you Mikey and Gilly for all your hours of hard work to make our mailboxes look maaarvelous!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Kickin' Off Summer….and the Blog!

Whew! That was a looooong winter!

Although the blog was in “hibernation” mode this past winter, my Renaissance Man certainly was not. Mikey was super busy with a couple big business consulting and voice over projects. He served as our family CESP (Chief Executive Snow Plower...we had a TON of snow!) He's also been advising a couple friends with some cool new product inventions. But, the most exciting project Mikey has been working on is the movie script. (A few of you know about this's been awhile in the making, but has been picking up some steam in recent months! Hopefully I can write more about this later...)

All these projects have been great, but they just didn’t offer me many fabulous photo ops for the blog. (I’m guessing Mikey really appreciated the break from the camera though!) And now that summer is "unofficially" here, it's time to get outside, snap some pictures, and update the blog! It's been a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend in NE Wisconsin and we've spent a lot of time outdoors planting new flowers, pulling weeds, and really enjoying and appreciating our beautiful land. 

Of course, I can't post a blog on Memorial Day without recognizing and thanking those who have served selflessly and courageously for our nation. Especially my Uncle John, who died for our country in Vietnam.

Thank you to all who have served, all who are serving, and all who will serve.
Here are a few pictures of our Memorial Day weekend…

We have so many wild flowers growing in our woods right now. 
My sweet Mikey picked me not one, but two bouquets of lilies! 


They're a little difficult to see in this picture, but here are some of the beautiful white, yellow, and purple wildflowers adorning the woods!

The woods are turning greener and greener every day!  

It’s not summer 'til we turn on the waterfalls!

I am anxiously waiting for all the flowers to bloom around the pond!

Weeds, weeds, and more weeds! But, we are getting them under control thanks to Mikey’s handy-dandy weed killer system. He hooked up a big tank of weed kill to his 4-wheeler, complete with a hose and wand. He can easily drive around the pond and flower beds and spray 'em away! Genius!

We've made plenty of time for some fun this weekend, too!
Here, Mikey dusted off his remote control boat and cruised around the pond...hopefully not disturbing the fishies too much!

We hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend...and remember to pause and honor those who have served our nation. 

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored all rejoice together with it. 

-1 Corinthians 12:26