Summer is just buzzin' by! And while we've both been busy bees with work, that hasn't stopped Mikey from getting out to do a few summer projects.
We live outside of town and share a main drive with two neighbors (and from the main drive we each have our own private drive.) Our three little mailboxes sit at the end of our curvy main drive and look a little...well...sad.
Mikey and our neighbor Gilly decided it was time to spruce up the mailboxes. It was time for a mailbox makeover! Take a look...
Here is the "Before" picture. Mismatched mailboxes are sooo last season! |
This is no mini-makeover...This is a "marvelous" makeover, which means a couple of shovels isn't gonna cut it. This calls for Gilly's tractor! (Mikey loves any excuse to use his tractor!) |
Gilly and Mikey digging holes for the posts and mixing cement. Hmmm....this is turning into a lot of work for matching mailboxes! |
The posts are in and they aren't moving anywhere! |
And these aren't just any boring ol' wood posts...Mikey and Gilly were sure to pick pieces with lots of character! |
Mikey searched and searched online for the perfect cedar mailboxes. This is Wisconsin after all! They are now lined up neatly and secured in place. |
Aren't they cute?! I mean...aren't they "cool and rustic." (After all their hard work, I don't think they would appreciate me calling them "cute!") |
They finished off the mailboxes by building a planter and adding some nice rocks and plants...Here is Mikey watering the plants! |
Good thing Mikey has his handy water tank hooked up to his 4-wheeler for easy watering! |
Ta-Da! The "After" picture! |
I think the mailbox makeover was a success! Thank you Mikey and Gilly for all your hours of hard work to make our mailboxes look maaarvelous!