Sunday, March 29, 2015

Darling Ducks

Spring has arrived in NE Wisconsin! 

Although it still looks like Winter out there, we’ve had lots of feathered friends drop by to reassure us that warmer temps are on the way!

Here are some darling ducks who brightened a rather dull Spring day...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Just look at those sweet faces!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
It's not very often you get to see their bright orange feet!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
This picture "quacks" us up! 
They're getting down with some silly duck dance moves!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Now how about some ice skating?
I think he needs a bigger "rink!" 

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
I love how all the vibrant colors really pop against the icy "glaciers."

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Don't they look like little decoys here? 
But, not to worry...there's no hunting on our land!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Brrr! Isn't that water frigid?!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
I'll take that as a "yes!"

Mikey is building quite the collection of beautiful photos and we're excited to share more soon!

Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

-Psalm 63:7-8