Monday, April 20, 2015

Hooray for Herons

Living in the woods, we see wildlife daily…but this Spring has been particularly active! It's not unusual to see a bevy of birds, ducks, hawks, turkey, and deer in any given hour.

One of our favorite type of bird to frequent the pond is the heron. Tricolored, golden, blue, or green…these long-legged birds are always a fun sight to see! Thankfully Mikey had his camera handy for these beauties...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
A Great Blue Heron perched high in a tree. I just love his long, feathery chest plumes!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Look at the intensity in this green heron's eyes as he checks out his dinner options in the pond.

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The reflection in the pond is just as cute as the green heron is!

Speaking of herons…Mikey snapped a funny blue heron a couple years ago.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.

-Ecclesiastes 3:1