Friday, June 26, 2015

The Wondrous Wood Duck

Over the past few months we’ve had SO many ducks visit our pond. (Check out this post about some darling Mallards.) Along with the Mallards, we've had lots of Wood Ducks – the wondrous Wood Ducks.

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Wood Ducks love to hang out in ponds, streams, and wooded areas…so our back yard definitely fits the “bill” as a great place for them to call home!

Wood Ducks are known for their magnificent beauty. Only God could design such a decorative duck with so many different colors and interesting patterns that all blend together beautifully (or “handsomely!”)

We're so thankful for Mikey's powerful zoom lens (and excellent photography skills) because it’s difficult to see the detail from afar. Take a look…

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The male Wood Duck has an iridescent emerald green head, bright white stripes on his head and body, a spotted chestnut brown chest, and piercing red eyes

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Check out that crest...and chest! He looks so distinguished and proud. Perhaps he's spotted a pretty female across the pond?!

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Yep, there she is! The female Wood Duck isn't quite as ornate, but she's still a beauty. I adore the blue feathers popping against the muted browns and grays. And, of course, those bright yellow feet!

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She's posing pretty for Mikey! 

We've had so much fun watching these beautiful ducks right outside our windows. And Mikey has captured some awesome pictures of them doing what ducks do - fighting for mates, splashing around, building nests, and more! 

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate. 

-Psalm 145:5