Monday, July 27, 2015

Irresistible Irises

A good friend gave us some purple and white irises a few years ago and we planted them right on the edge of our pond. These irises are picture perfect for only two or three weeks during the summer and Mikey just happened to catch these glorious beauties at their peak. Take a peek...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The detail and delicacy of this iris is simply stunning. Just look at those perfectly-poised petals!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The sunlight takes this picture to a whole new level. I love how the rays make the petals glow and the water glisten!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Mikey has promised to create a watercolor painting of this stunner. And I already have the perfect spot picked out to hang it!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Here's a close-up to showcase that spectacular shimmer!

See why I find these irises irresistible?! I just can't get enough of them, so I better get that watercolor painting added to Mikey's "To-Do" list...pronto

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

-Hebrews 13:8