Sunday, July 5, 2015

Wooing Wood Ducks - Part 2

Now for the conclusion of Wooing Wood Ducks

We left off with the male duck trying to woo the female duck. Did his flashy feathers and stud muffin moves woo her off her webbed feet? Did she pick him out of all the other bachelor ducks to be her mate? 


Here are a few more of Mikey's pictures that capture this new budding romance...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Awww...a perfectly posed picture of the happy couple! 
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Look at the proud hubby showing off!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
And how about the blushing bride's sweet face?!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The happy couple needs to find a safe spot to build a nest. As they say in real estate - location, location, location!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Well, this looks like a cozy place to nest! Wood Ducks opt for trees with holes near or above water. Mikey installed two nest boxes a few years ago, or as we refer to them, the "condos." This is the "north condo," which is a waterfront. The "south condo" sits back further in the woods.
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
These are classy ducks with expensive taste...they're zeroing in on the waterfront condo. Good choice! It has all the amenities they're looking for in a nice home: it's a high rise, it's set in a heavily-wooded area, it's on the water, and there's no HOA fees!
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Home sweet home! With the female nestled inside and the male perched on top, we can stick a "SOLD" sign on this property!

Now it's time for mama to get all her ducks in a row. She'll line the inside of the box with her soft, fluffy feathers. She'll explore the area for food sources. She'll lay her eggs and wait patiently for them to hatch.

Since Mikey installed the nest boxes, we've been hoping to see some baby ducks.

Could this finally be our year?!

Just like the female duck, Mikey and I have to wait patiently for the eggs to hatch –  tick tock. And hopefully capture some photographs of the brood!  

We call this waiting period Operation Baby Duck Watch!

You can follow along with Operation Baby Duck Watch in some upcoming posts!

But if we hope for what we do not see, 
we wait for it with patience.

-Romans 8:25