There is never a dull moment living in the woods. For instance, we get to witness wild turkeys trot past our house just about every day – usually twice a day. And occasionally we see baby turkeys! These babies are so adorable...and bouncy! Mikey snapped these little bundles of joy earlier this summer...
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Fluffy baby turkeys don't stay this little...or cute...for long! |
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
A parade of baby turkeys following their Momma and learning how to navigate the woods. |
©Life as an Artist’s Wife
Momma turkey searching for food for her hungry babies. |
Fortunately, our dachshund "guard dogs" have accepted the fact that the turkeys aren't going anywhere, so they don't bark at them too much...unless the turkeys stroll too close to their designated doggy area!
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.
-Psalm 32:8