Sunday, May 22, 2016

Silly Goose

Mikey is always doing or saying the funniest things to make me laugh, so referring to him as a "silly goose" just seems very natural   in a loving, endearing sort of way.

So, it was super exciting when we recently spotted a real-life silly goose by our pond! 

Here are a few of my silly goose's photos of a real silly goose...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
We often hear the trademark "honk" of geese and see them migrate in the V-shaped flocks. But, they rarely stop at our pond! 

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We didn't realize geese have serrated beaks until we zoomed in on this photo!  Let's just say I wouldn't want to be bitten by a grumpy goose ouch!

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The goose is taking off and making sure everyone in NE Wisconsin knows about it with his heralding honk!

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This picture makes me laugh! But, I thought it was important to add this...

Disclaimer: No goose was harmed in the making of this blog post. :)

We hated to see the silly goose fly away, but at least I can always count on my silly goose to keep me entertained!

So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!

-Psalm 32:11 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Turkey Trot

No need to check your’s not Thanksgiving, but it is Spring, so it’s time to dust off the ol' blog! 

The blog has been MIA for a while. My Renaissance Man has been busy exercising his entrepreneur muscles the past several months consulting with a technology company. But with so much wildlife activity outside, Mikey has been trying to squeeze in some photography time, too. 

So, let's talk turkey...

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Turkey posing pretty for a picture on our land in NE Wisconsin.

We have about 40 wild turkeys that call our woods their home sweet home. 

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Just a portion of our turkey flock hunting for snacks of berries, seeds, and insects.

Like clockwork, everyday the funny flock trots through the woods (and our yard) in the morning and evening.

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This turkey has parted from the pack because he knows their will be some good grub by the bird feeder.

However, things are a little more entertaining in the Spring when the males are looking for love! Check out that fan!

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Male turkey performing an impressive courtship display!

In the evenings, the turkeys fly up into the trees to sleep during the night. (Yes, turkeys do fly, although not very gracefully!) We're amazed they can sleep on the branches with their clunky-ish disposition!

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Turkey flying up to a branch to snuggle in for the night.

The turkeys usually cause us no issues...except when they block the UPS truck or pizza deliveryman from pulling up the driveway. (True stories!)

But, then there's Gobbles. He's the "troublemaker" of the flock. Gobbles has a tendency to not sleep during the night. He gobbles during the night...loudly...waking us up frequently if we sleep with the windows open. He also picks fights with himself. He sees his reflection in Mikey’s office window, thinks it's another male turkey, and pecks (quite forcefully) at his reflection. Oh, Gobbles!

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Gobbles fighting with his reflection outside Mikey's office window.

Quirks aside, we adore these turkeys! And we love that they make their home in our woods. It just wouldn't be the same without them!

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Nice and plump. But, this turkey will never be the centerpiece of our Thanksgiving meal! 

If you like turkeys, you'll love baby turkeys!

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

-1 Thessalonians 5:18