Sunday, May 22, 2016

Silly Goose

Mikey is always doing or saying the funniest things to make me laugh, so referring to him as a "silly goose" just seems very natural   in a loving, endearing sort of way.

So, it was super exciting when we recently spotted a real-life silly goose by our pond! 

Here are a few of my silly goose's photos of a real silly goose...

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
We often hear the trademark "honk" of geese and see them migrate in the V-shaped flocks. But, they rarely stop at our pond! 

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
We didn't realize geese have serrated beaks until we zoomed in on this photo!  Let's just say I wouldn't want to be bitten by a grumpy goose ouch!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
The goose is taking off and making sure everyone in NE Wisconsin knows about it with his heralding honk!

©Life as an Artist’s Wife
This picture makes me laugh! But, I thought it was important to add this...

Disclaimer: No goose was harmed in the making of this blog post. :)

We hated to see the silly goose fly away, but at least I can always count on my silly goose to keep me entertained!

So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!

-Psalm 32:11